Cooperation with the media and journalists in Osh

On May 7, 2024, the Aarhus Center in Osh held an online meeting to improve cooperation with media representatives and independent journalists.

The meeting was attended by journalists from the Osh Pirim and T-Media TV channels, the AKIpress website, independent journalists and specialists from the Aarhus Center. A total of 9 people participated

Aarhus Center specialist A. Matisaev told the participants in detail about the activities of the Aarhus Center in 2023 and upcoming events in 2024.

Journalists suggested strengthening work with young people in the field of Environmental Protection. They emphasized the need to deepen environmental education of students and schoolchildren.

The Aarhus Center noted the cooperation with teachers and students of the Yu. A. Gagarin gymnasium school in Osh, and also expressed interest in cooperation with other schools. One of the main activities of the Center is working with youth and students and carrying out various activities in the field of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety in the Batken, Jalal-Abad and Osh regions.

At the end, K. Isabaev thanked all participants and noted that journalists and the media play a big role in protecting the environment and disseminating environmental information.

Specialist of the Aarhus Center in Osh A. Matisev.

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