Regular events of Aarhus Centers took place in the regions

On June 14, 2024, a visiting round table on gender equality issues was held in Sokuluk district of Chui region. The event was organized by the Aarhus Center in Bishkek in cooperation with the NGO “Global Water Partnership” with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek. The participants of the event were employees and teachers of universities, the Association of WUAs of the Chui region, experts in the field of the environment, and the public of the region. The main topic was the participation of women’s organizations in familiarizing the activities of women’s organizations and building confidence in the field of improving environmental stability.

At the beginning of the meeting, the participants visited the WUAs of the Sokuluk district, located in the villages of Studencheskoye and Tort-Kol, where they got acquainted with the work of local women’s organizations. Then we moved to the village of Sokuluk, where the round table itself took place.

On June 13 and 15, seminars were held in the Naryn region on biodiversity issues at Son-Kol Lake and the problems of rational use of natural resources in the village of Chaek, Jumgal district.

Chaek village

Son Kol lake

Both meetings were organized by the Naryn Aarhus Center in cooperation with the Naryn Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision and the Karatal-Zhapyryk Natural Park with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek, the participants of which were residents of the region, farmers and representatives of government agencies and environmental services. During the events, issues that were important for the local population regarding a favorable attitude towards the environment, the human influence on its condition and the careful attitude of all subjects of the region were raised.

On June 20, 2024, with the financial support of the OSCE program office in Bishkek, a round table was held in the assembly hall of the secondary school in the village of Jyrgalan, Ak-Suu district, organized by the Issyk-Kul Aarhus Center. The purpose of the round table: to inform the public about the principles of the Aarhus Convention, the activities of the Issyk-Kul Aarhus Center, discussion of environmental problems in the territory of the village of Jyrgalan about the activities carried out by government agencies.

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