Round Table “Environment of Chui region and its importance for the welfare of the population”

On June 22 the round table was conducted in the conference hall of the hotel “Janat” on the topic “The environment of the Chui region and its importance for the welfare of the population.” Employees of the Chui-Bishkek Territorial Directorate of the Environmental Protection Agency SAEPF, Chui Forestry and Parks, Chui Department of SIETS, various NGOs and local self-government took part in the work. The main task was to discuss with the various employees in the field of environmental protection the issues of the ecological situation in the region and the problems that need to be paid special attention.

The head of the Chui-Bishkek territorial environmental administration, AA Kydyrgichev mad an introductory speech on the report on the state of the environment in the region. He informed the audience about the activities of his department over the past year, about the problems in the field of ecology in the region and on what should be paid attention and strengthen all the work to preserve the environment in its pure form.

Further, the representatives of the Frunzensky, Issyk-Ata and Zhayyl forestry raised the problems of preserving forest lands from poaching and the irresponsible attitude of outdoor enthusiast. After their visits, the employees of the forestry have to conduct “Saturday’s” to clean the garbage left by tourists. Moreover, the representative of the GPC “Chon-Kemin” raised the problem of illegal cutting of trees by residents of nearby villages.

The representatives of the public expressed their comments on the poor work of environmental services with the population, they pointed that explanatory work with the villagers in respect of nature is not conducting in proper way. They note that there are no information boards on environmental problems in the region, television does not pay attention to environmental programs, booklets and leaflets on environmental issues are not distributed.

For all comments were received the answers by representatives of environmental services and the request to provide assistance in resolving these issues was raised by international organizations, including the Aarhus Center in Bishkek.

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