Round table in the city of Naryn on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention.

On July 16, 2021, a round table on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in the region was held in the conference hall of the Khan-Tengri Hotel in Naryn with the support of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek. Representatives of the Department of Forestry of the Naryn region, the state nature reserve “Karatal-Zhapyryk” and the park “Salkyn Tor”, the environmental inspection, the Naryn State University, the enterprise of the city municipality “Taza Naryn”, etc. were invited to the round table. A total of 30 people took part. The round table was opened by the manager of the Aarhus Center of Naryn Kalmuratov S., who introduced the goals and work plans of the center. Then representatives of the State Committee for Ecology and Climate in the Naryn region Turdubekov K. and Abdraev T. made a presentation on the state of affairs in ecology and eco-education.

K. Akmatov, a lecturer at Naryn State University, in his presentation on sorting and recycling of garbage, spoke about the implementation of the “Three Buckets” principle at the “Aral” site in Naryn. Three waste bins with the inscriptions 1-“for plastic”, 2-“for paper”, 3-“for household waste”have already been put on this site. Residents of this site use these waste bins for their intended purpose. The company of the municipality will recycle waste from plastic and paper, and vermicompost will be made from household waste. This presentation interested many participants in the workshop. Representatives of the Salkyn-Tor natural park decided to consult with specialists and supply the same sorting bins for vacationers in the park.
The next presentation was given by U. Ismailov, researcher and representative of the Salkyn-Tor natural park, who spoke about the activities of the park and the services provided for vacationers.

B. Choroev and T. Omuraliev presented a presentation on the activities of the state natural reserve “Karatal-Japyryk”. They spoke about the successful implementation of the ADB project to strengthen the material and technical base of the reserve.

The participants of the seminar listened attentively and with interest to the presentations, asked many questions and expressed their views on the work in the field of environmental protection in the region. Several proposals were received from the participants:

1) invite representatives of the mayor’s office, aksakals and youth to the next round tables;
2) to hold a competition in the form of drawings, essays, essays among schoolchildren on the topic “Menin taza ayil / shaarym / olk”;
3) hold the next round table in a conference hall located on the territory of the Salkyn-Tor natural park.
4) representatives of the state nature reserve “Karatal-Zhapyryk” asked to he

lp them make information boards in the amount of 3 units.

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