SAEPF and UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic, with the assistance of the Green Climate Fund, will develop a National Adaptation Program Strategy.

On April 14, 2017, a roundtable on “Formulating approaches to the process of developing the National Adaptation Program (NAP) with the support of the Green Climate Fund” was held in one of the conference rooms of the Park Hotel. The event was organized by the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry (SAEPF) and the UNDP Program in the Kyrgyz Republic. The participants of the event were representatives of ministries and departments of the KR, scientific circles, various NGOs, associations and foundations, as well as international institutions operating in Kyrgyzstan.

At the beginning of the round table with welcome words the director of the SAEPF A.A. Rustamov and the UNDP Resident Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic A.N. Avanesov spoke.


Mr. Rustamov A.A. expressed the opinion that “now there is an unprecedented opportunity to implement actions for sustainable development by getting support from the Green Climate Fund.” He also marked that it is necessary to revise the strategic documents and taking into account new challenges and opportunities.

Mr. A.Avanesov expressed the importance of holding this event and he is glad that many partners have responded to this meeting and are participating. He also introduced the UNDP team, which is involved in the preparatory work for the development of the NAP, in particular one of their qualified international UNDP consultants, Ms. Yovel.

Then, with a presentation on the topic “Policies and Implementation of the Implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement in the Kyrgyz Republic”, the head of the Department of Ecological Strategy and Policy of the SAEPF, D. E. Bekkulova, presented information on the activities of SAEPF to fulfill the commitments of the Kyrgyz Republic Implementation of the Conventions and Agreements in the field of climate change.

Then, with a presentation on the topic “Policies and Implementation of the Implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement in the Kyrgyz Republic”, the head of the Department of Ecological Strategy and Policy of the SAEPF, D. E. Bekkulova, presented information on the activities of SAEPF to fulfill the commitments of the Kyrgyz Republic Implementation of the Conventions and Agreements in the field of climate change.

Координатор Программы ПРООН «ООС для УР» В.В.Гребнев представил презентацию «Процесс формирования политики по адаптации к изменению климата в Кыргызской Республике», в котором представил ход подготовки разработки стратегии НАП и пути сотрудничества всех заинтересованных сторон, начиная с 2012 года и до сегодняшнего дня. За этот период, подчеркнул он, был разработан и заложен механизм подготовительных элементов НАП, определены целевые участники и предложен первичный документ понимания формирования самого процесса. А саму процедуру составления адаптационных планов и примеры их достижения в других странах проинформировала участникам мероприятия международный консультант ПРООН г-жа Ефрат Йовел в своей презентации «Поддержка процесса разработки Национального адаптационного плана (НАП)». Она представила информацию о сущности НАП, какие задачи и цели он предполагает, почему процесс разработки НАП является процессом управления рисками, особенности и пути составления НАП на примере других стран.

The coordinator of the UNDP Program for Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development, V. Grebnev, presented the presentation “The Process of Formulating Policies on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Kyrgyz Republic”, which presented the progress in preparing the development of the NAP strategy and the ways of cooperation of all stakeholders from 2012 till today. During this period, he marked, the mechanism of preparatory elements of the NAP was developed and laid down, target participants were identified and a primary document of understanding of the formation of the process was proposed. The procedure for drawing up adaptation plans and examples of their achievement in other countries was briefed by the international UNDP consultant Ms. Efrat Yovel in her presentation “Support to the process of developing the National Adaptation Plan (NAP)”. She provided information on NAP, what tasks and objectives it assumes, why the NAP development process is a process of risk management, features and ways of compiling NAPs by the example of other countries.


This presentation rise interest of the meeting participants, who expressed their opinions, comments and recommendations for inclusion in the process of developing the NAP document itself.

This roundtable is the first step towards preparation of the NAP development in the Kyrgyz Republic and the organizers of the event assured the participants about holding additional meetings with interested parties and studying proposals from all those who want to participate in this process.

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