Seminar for academic staff, representatives of universities and the private sector regarding NDCs

On April 3, 2021, the GEF / UNDP Small Grants Program of the Kyrgyz Republic, together with the Aarhus Center in Bishkek and the NGO “CWP Water Partnership of Kyrgyzstan” held a seminar on informing the public about the processes related to the preparation of proposals for inclusion in the NDC of the Paris Agreement of the Framework Convention on Climate Change. The seminar was attended by employees of scientific institutions (National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic, scientific institutes and academia), representatives of the teaching staff, private organizations and NGOs. The main objective of the seminar is to inform the public about the significance of the Paris Agreement of the UNFCCC for Kyrgyzstan, about the obligations undertaken by the Kyrgyz Republic to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement, about the ongoing processes for the preparation and collection of proposals for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), about the work of UNDP experts on the development of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory within the framework of the Paris Agreement in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The main speakers at the seminar were A. Nurbekov, head of the Aarhus Center in Bishkek, who informed the participants about the events held in 2020 and plans for 2021. Then the experts of the UNDP project N. Myrsaliev and Zholdosh Bekbosun uulu presented the materials of studies of greenhouse gas emissions in the Kyrgyz Republic in the sectors “Agriculture” and “Forestry and other types of land use”. They spoke about the state of affairs in the sectors of greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 to 2017.

Then Zh. Sadabayeva, an expert of the NGO “CWP Water Partnership of Kyrgyzstan”, presented research material on the topic “The state of irrigation systems in the southern regions of the country.” This study was organized with the aim to explore the state of irrigation activities carried out in the field by WUAs and farmers. At the end of the speeches, there was a discussion of the materials and several questions of interest were asked. At the close of the seminar, all participants were issued certificates of participation in the event.

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