Seminar on compliance with regulations in the field of environmental protection and subsoil use.

On May 29, 2024, in the Ak-Zhol aiyl okmotu of the Aksy district of the Jalal-Abad region, a seminar was held on the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic “On subsoil use”, “On environmental protection”, “On the protection of flora and fauna”, “On atmospheric air”, “ Water Code”, “Land Code”, “Forest Code”, “On production and consumption waste”, “REGULATIONS on the reclamation of lands disturbed during the use of subsoil”.

The event was organized by the Aarhus Center jointly with the Jalal-Abad regional department of the Environmental and Technical Supervision Service under the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision (JRU SETN under MPRETN) of the Kyrgyz Republic within the framework of the project of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek “Promoting green economy and environmental management”.

The seminar was attended by a representative of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek, an inspector of the ZhRU SETN at the Ministry of Economics and External Relations of the Kyrgyz Republic, specialists from the Ak-Zhol aiyl okmotu and village elders. A total of 24 people participated.

At the official opening of the seminar, the director of the Aarhus Center K. Isabaev, the deputy head of the Ak-Zhol aiyl okmotu N. Eshimbekov and the representative of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek S. Ryskulova spoke. They noted the importance of this seminar and encouraged active participation.

Aarhus Center specialist A. Matisaev spoke about the activities of the Aarhus Center to implement the principles of the Aarhus Convention of the Kyrgyz Republic. He also presented in detail about the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic “On subsoil use”, “On environmental protection”, “On the protection of flora and fauna”, “On atmospheric air”, “Water Code”, “Land Code”, “Forest Code”, “ On production and consumption waste”, “REGULATIONS on the reclamation of lands disturbed during the use of subsoil”.

M. Nishanov, inspector of the liquid control system of the environmental protection system at the Ministry of Energy and Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic, noted the importance of compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of environmental protection by all interested parties. The important point is interaction and cooperation.

During the seminar there were many questions on subsoil use, reclamation of disturbed lands, rational use of natural resources and ensuring environmental safety during subsoil use. The inspector of the ZhRU EETN at the MPRETN KR and specialists from the Aarhus Center gave comprehensive answers.

The participants made the following recommendations:

Organization of monitoring of abandoned mining sites;
Carrying out explanatory work and communicating the requirements of the normative legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of environmental protection and subsoil use among the population, by relevant specialists;
Organization of a round table with the participation of all district services on reclamation work in the Ak-Zhol aiyl okmotu of the Aksy region.
At the end, K. Isabaev thanked all participants and noted that the Aarhus Center is ready for cooperation in the field of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety.

Specialist of the Aarhus Center in Osh A. Matisev.

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