A meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the NDC/NAP (National Adaptation Plan) was held in Bishkek.
From morning to lunch on October 6, 2023, in the conference hall of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision (MNRETS) of the Kyrgyz Republic, within the framework of the project “Providing advisory support for an improved plan for the implementation of NDCs and the Long-term low-carbon / carbon-neutral strategy until 2050” was held technical meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group (IAWG) on the topic “Discussion of the development of the draft Concept of Carbon Neutrality until 2050 and progress in the implementation of the National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process.” The meeting was attended by members of the IWG, UNDP experts, experts from the Aarhus Center in Bishkek, MPRET staff, representatives of ministries and departments and other interested parties.
After welcoming words from representatives of MNRETS, UNDP and the Climate Finance Center, the meeting began with a presentation by UNDP project coordinator B. Ysabekova on the topic: “Climate perspective and the process of updating NDCs in Kyrgyzstan.” Then the head of the expert group A. Temirbekov made his presentation on the topic “Draft Concept of Carbon Neutrality until 2050”. This was followed by presentations “Review and analysis of existing databases on the sectors of agriculture, biodiversity conservation, disaster risk reduction and health in Kyrgyzstan” and “Review and analysis of future climate scenarios and models for the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic” by the director of CAIAG, an expert on adaptation of the DRR sector – Moldobekov B. and international expert of the NAP project – I. Filyutich.
During the discussion and questions, a number of comments, comments and suggestions were made. Following the meeting of the IWG, a number of decisions were made, namely:
- send the proposed draft Carbon Neutrality Concept (CNE) to ministries and departments for detailed study and provision of their opinions;
- take note of the key directions of the ISC until 2050;
- Consider with lawyers the form of official adoption of the CoC document until 2050 (Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic or Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers);
- refuse to force the adoption of the CoP due to the need for detailed modifications and, accordingly, not include the CoP for publication at COOP 28 by Kyrgyzstan.