National workshop on assistance in the development of the project under the Green Climate Fund.

National Workshop on Assistance in the Development of the Project under the Green Climate Fund (GCF) was held in the conference hall of the Park Hotel. It was three day workshop (28 to 30 March).
This workshop was organized by the Green Climate Fund with the assistance of FAO in Kyrgyzstan and SAEPF.

Representatives of the Government of the KR, heads and staff of the SAEPF, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Health, the National Statistical Committee, the Ministry of Labor, the Academy of Sciences, Higher Education Institutions, various Associations, NGOs, and farmers cooperating with the FAO office in the Kyrgyz Republic participated in the seminar. The guests of this seminar are the leaders of the GCF, representatives of the FAO Central Asian countries and international institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The objectives of the seminar are:

– providing background information on the GCF, its mechanisms, priority funding directions and guidelines on how to access various resources and funding opportunities;

– review the technical capacity of FAO, the area of work and support mechanisms in project development and implementation of the GCF for national focal points;

– Provide an overview of the national context, priority areas and issues related to climate change, and enable open dialogue with national stakeholders;

– conduct a focused thematic discussion of objectives / impact, priority areas of work that should be included in the project document for the GCF.

main result of the seminar is the development of an agreed project proposal plan in the GCF with certain roles and responsibilities of various national, regional and international organizations.

On the first day of the seminar, 4 sessions were held, during which “Country priorities: an initial assessment of the priority areas of the KR for the project profile in the GCF” were discussed, “The potential role of the GCF in the overall system of financing climate change activities in accordance with the investment priorities of the Kyrgyz Republic”, “Project Development: Accumulated Opportunities and Appropriate Mechanisms” and “Strengthening the Role of the Country in Climate Financing”.

On the second day of the seminar, all participants worked in groups and worked out proposals for the GCF in various sectoral areas, including the group on institutional development, groups in the fields of crop production, livestock and others. At the end of the work in the groups the participants of the seminar were summed up by presentations and discussions of the proposed ideas.

On the third day, the main meetings of the leadership of the GCF were held with representatives of various ministries, organizations and groups of individuals who had their proposals on partnership with them.

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