Aarhus Centers of Kyrgyzstan summed up the results of the competition among school students
In 4 regions of Kyrgyzstan, from September 22 to October 31, 2021, with the assistance of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek, the Aarhus Centers organized and conducted an environmental competition “Nature and We” among secondary school students. The competition was held in 3 nominations: among students of grades 1-4 on the theme “The best drawing”, among students in grades 5-8 on the theme “The best product made from garbage” and among students in grades 9-11 on the theme “The best essay composition “.
The purpose of this competition was to instill in children a respect for the environment, increase the ecological culture of the younger generation, develop sustainable skills for an environmentally responsible attitude to nature, and attract children to participate in promoting environmental protection. Children approached this competition with enthusiasm and creativity. Their works were displayed in front of schools in the form of an exhibition. Some schools have organized festive events with music and concerts.
The works of the contestants were evaluated by the jury members, who were from among the teachers of schools, the parent committee and members of the public. The winners of the competition were awarded with valuable gifts and diplomas.




At the end of the event, the Aarhus Centers received letters of thanks from the school administration for the competition.
At the end of the awards ceremony, the Aarhus Centers treated the contestants with sweet confectionery and drinks.