Trainings: “Increasing the capacity of inspectors of the State Inspectorate for Environmental and Technical Safety under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic”
The Aarhus Center in Bishkek, together with the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek and the State Inspectorate for Environmental and Technical Safety under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (SIETB) conducted trainings on the topic “Increasing the capacity of inspectors of the State Inspectorate for Environmental and Technical Safety under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and public inspectors on conducting industrial and public environmental monitoring” as part of the project of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek “Promoting Environmental Safety clarity and natural resource management.” This training was held in Bishkek (for employees of Chui oblast) – July 24, August 6 – in Talas, August 13 – in Naryn and August 14 – in Cholpon-Ata, which was attended by the regional employees of the SIETB and public inspectors of these regions.
- Бишкек
- Чолпон-Ата
- Нарын
- Талас
These trainings were aimed at training inspectors in effective work on environmental monitoring, to study and gain knowledge on the use of new Regulations and Instructions on environmental monitoring, to discuss the nuances in conducting inspections and to confirm their skills in the light of today. Such trainings have not been held for many years and the importance of its need was confirmed by all participants in the trainings. The program itself and questions for study were agreed with the leadership of the SIETB. The trainers in these trainings were international experts of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek, Mr. A. Abduvaliev and Ms. Neronova T.I., who presented their developed modules. The training was divided into 6 sessions, which included the following presentations – Industrial Environmental Monitoring, Water Protection, Air Protection, Waste Management and Land Protection, Public Environmental Monitoring.
- Талас
- Нарын
- Чолпон-ата
- Бишкек
At the end of the training, all participants in the training were awarded Certificates of participation in the training on behalf of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek, SIETB and the Aarhus Center in Bishkek.