Aarhus centre in Osh conducted trainings in Toktogul, Aksy and Kadamjai districts of Batken and Jalal-Abad regions

On 19 July 2016, in the auditorium of the Aksy district administration Jalal-Abad region, with the support of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek held a training seminar organized by the Aarhus Centre in Osh. Training workshop program included issues related to the problems of protection of flora and fauna in the Aksy district. The event was attended by 34 people, including representatives of the district administration, the staff of the Department of Internal Affairs, the specialists of the territorial Department of Environmental Protection, the State Inspectorate for ecological and technical safety, forestry and protected areas Area, aiyl kenesh deputies, representatives of ayil districts, Jalal-abad members hunters society, jamaats and youth committees.


Director Aarhus Centre in Osh, K.Isabaev, introduced the basic principles of the Aarhus Convention and activities of the Aarhus Centre of the Kyrgyz Republic. Representatives of Territorial Administration of Environment and Forestry and inspections on environmental and technical safety shared information on environmental activities in the Aksy district, resulted in violations and gave suggestions for strengthening the protection of nature, together with representatives of public society.

Then the trainer workshop introduced the participants with the basic provisions of the “Law on hunting and hunting economy» №41, dated March 13, 2014 and other normative and legislative acts of the Kyrgyz Republic. Considerable interest among the participants caused a demonstration video about the detention of poachers and further discuss the actions of inspectors at registration of the relevant acts and protocols. Hunting experts lawyer of regional society of hunters R. Sulaymanov answered numerous questions of the participants.

The head of the public association “Alan Jamaat-Too” N. Turgunaliev, spoke about the activities of Jamaat and on the implementation of the project “Reintroduction of maral in the Western Tien Shan.”

Active participation in the work of the training workshop was attended by representatives of youth aiyl district Avleta who initiated treatment in the county local governments “On a moratorium on the felling and hunting” on the territory of the aiyl district. A copy of this document and a list with the signatures of the local population had been referred to the Director of Aarhus Center

On 21 July 2016 in the small hall of the Toktogul district administration Jalal-Abad region, with the support of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek held a training course organized by the Aarhus Centre in Osh, on the theme “Analysis of the legal framework of the mining industry of the Kyrgyz Republic”.

The training was attended by 25 people, including managers and specialists of the district administration, the State Inspection on Environmental and Technical Safety, Toktogul forestry, aiyl kenesh deputies, heads and representatives of aiyl districts, experts of relevant District services.



Директор Орхус-Центра в г. Ош К.Исабаев поприветствовал участников тренинга и ознакомил их с основными принципами Орхусской Конвенции, а также с деятельностью Орхусских Центров Кыргызской Республики. Главный специалист по экологической безопасности гг.Караколь, Таш-Комур и Токтогульского района Б.Жапаров, дал подробную информацию о деятельности горнодобывающих предприятий в районе, компаниях имеющих лицензии на недра полезных ископаемых и о проблемах развития горнорудной отрасли в регионе. Тренер  Г. Соронкулов, ознакомил участников с историей развития горнодобывающей отрасли в Кыргызстане,  с положениями «Закона о недрах» №160 от 12 августа 2012года и другими НПА. В связи с тем, что горнодобывающая отрасль в Токтогульском районе находится на стадии развития, от участников тренинга поступило много вопросов относительно правил выдачи лицензий, социального пакета, рекультивации, ликвидации и консервации объектов горной добычи, инициативы прозрачности добывающих отраслей, а также прав и обязанностей государственных администраций и органов местного самоуправления. Особую озабоченность гражданского общества района вызывает деятельность ОсОО «Касана Минералз», имеющего лицензию на разработку россыпного месторождения золота на территории Чолпон-Атинского аильного округа. Местных жителей беспокоят вопросы, связанные с охраной окружающей среды  (загрязнение речной воды, рубка лесных насаждений, нарушение водо-охранных зон и др.), с влиянием возможного изменения радиационного фона на здоровье людей и т.д.

Во второй части тренинга, участники активно обсуждали вопросы относительно налогов и неналоговых платежей, из которых состоит бюджет горнодобывающей отрасли. С целью оптимальной подачи  материала слушателям, были приведены примеры расчёта платежей за удержание лицензии, бонусов, роялти, а также других платежей и налогов. Кроме того, были продемонстрированы слайды о поступлении, распределении налогов, доходах от ГДО в масштабах страны, сравнительные характеристики поступлений в бюджет от ГДО в других странах. Участники тренинга были также ознакомлены с проектом изменений в « Закон о недрах» подготовленным Министерством экономики Кыргызской Республики. В ходе обсуждения и подведения итогов тренинга от участников поступили пожелания о возможности внесений изменений в Постановление ПКР №272 «О поверхностных водах» в части соблюдения водоохранных зон, а также вопросы относительно передачи песчаного карьера на баланс Уч-Терекского аильного округа.


On July 26, 2016 in the hall of the Advisory Council of attracting investment in Kadamzhay district administration in Batken region, with the support of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek held a training course organized by the Aarhus Centre in Osh on “Analysis of the legal framework of the mining industry of the Kyrgyz Republic”.

The training was attended by 25 people, including managers and district administration experts, specialists government registration, Agrarian Development Department, the district department of the Emergencies Ministry,duputies Orozbekov, Maydan and aiyl keneshes, heads and representatives of aiyl districts, experts of relevant services district and the media.

Director Aarhus Centre in Osh, K.Isabaev  pretested information on implementation of the Aarhus Convention and the Aarhus Centre of the Kyrgyz Republic. Chief specialist of the industry Kadamzhay district administration A.Sultanov gave detailed information on the activities of mining companies in the region, companies that have  licenses for subsoil minerals and problems of development of the mining industry in the region. Coach G. Soronkulov, acquainted the participants with the history of mining in Kyrgyzstan and with the provisions of the “Law on Subsoil” №160, dated 12 August 2012.

In the process, the training, the participants were familiarized with other legal acts in the field of mining. Due to the fact that the mining industry in Kadamzhay district is one of the most important sectors, training participants asked many questions about the rules for issuing licenses, social package, remediation, disposal and preservation of objects of mining, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, as well as the rights and obligations public administrations and local authorities. Particular concern is the area of civil society activity LLC «Z-EXPLORER», which has a license to develop gold deposits in the territory Shambesay and Maydan aiyl district. Local residents are concerned about issues related to the protection of the environment and the impact of the gold recovery plant on human health. Also, the participants actively discussed issues regarding tax and non-tax payments, which make up the budget of the mining industry.



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