Competition Results and Training in Environmental Journalism

In March 2019, the Aarhus Center in Osh announced a competition for the best environmental work among television, print and electronic media in Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken regions.

And, in honor of the professional holiday of journalists, on November 5, 2019, in the conference room of the Osh Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, the results of the competition were summed up and a training was organized for them on the topic “Covering environmental issues using modern multimedia formats”. Media expert Marat Tokoev was invited from Bishkek to conduct the training.

The event was attended by 21 people: journalists participating in the competition, employees of the Committee on Youth Affairs at the Osh City Hall, the Institute for Public Safety and Security in Osh and the Republic of Belarus in Nookat-Aravan districts.

Before the event, participants were provided with information about the activities of the Aarhus Center in Osh, the principles of the Aarhus Convention and its implementation in the Kyrgyz Republic.

During the training, the trainer M. Tokoev detailed the following topics for the participants:

  • Environment statistics of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2012-2016;
  • GAEP and HL Plan and Programs for Climate Change Adaptation;
  • Tools for working with photographs, infographics, slide shows, videos and sources for the manufacture of long read;
  • Visual storytelling;
  • Sources of air pollution in the cities of Kyrgyzstan;
  • Multimedia formats.

In the course of the trainer’s work, participants received answers to their questions.

At the end of the training, the results of the competition were summed up. As a result, in the nomination “Printed Press”:

The first place was awarded to Mamytov Abdiraim-newspaper “Osh Shamy”;

The 2nd place was awarded to Kydyralieva Kanymzhan-newspaper “Osh Zhanyrygy”;

3rd place was awarded to Tadzhibaeva Ugiloy-newspaper “Ush sadosi”.

In the nomination “Television”:

1st place was awarded to Asan Karakozuev KTRK “Yntymak”;

2nd place was awarded to Azhimatova Gulzhan-TRK “Asia TV”;

3rd place was awarded to Koshmat uulu Zhusupbek-media of the Yntymak shopping and entertainment complex.

In the nomination “Internet”:

1st place awarded to Zhanybaeva Anarkhan-information site “Kok-Art info”;

2nd place was awarded by Aidai Bedelbek kizi-site “T-Media” and Tologonova Saadat-site “”;

3rd place was awarded to Abdieva Chynara, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of Osh State University.

They were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes. As well as all participants were issued certificates of participation in the training.

This event was organized by the Aarhus Center in Osh in conjunction with the Committee on Youth Affairs at the Osh City Hall and the SIU GIETB in Osh as part of the OSCE Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management project in Bishkek.

Public Relations Specialist,

T. Zhumabekov

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