Information on the meetings held by internews project staff


June 16, 2016 in the Information Aarhus Centre in Oshmeeting was held. This meeting was attended by representatives from Internews – Farhod Rakhmatova and Elmira Dzhumakadyrovoy and the heads of regional management of State Inspection on Environmental and Technical Safety (SIETS). SIETS were represented by regional management of Kara-Suu District  R.Z. Yusupov, regional management of Aravan-Nookat region T.S. Osmonov, regional management of Osh city M.R. Mamedov and head of Osh territorial administration of environmental protection.

During the meeting, representatives of Internews familiarized the participants with the concept of a new project – “Media for the effective coverage of environment and natural resources in Asia.”This project is designed for 18 months, the active phase – 12 months and starts from August 1 this year. The project aims to strengthen regional efforts to improve access to information for citizens and Developers of for environmental policy and natural resources in Central Asia.

The project consists of 3 components:

I. Capacity Development Program:

  • Professional training in journalism and mentoring;
  • Thematic joint seminars for NGOs and the media;
  • Small grants to production of content;

II. Regional cooperation:

  • Regional network of eco-journalists;
  • Regional thematic workshops;
  • Regional travel for the joint production of media materials;

III. Interactive tools and platforms:

  • Regional and country network data collection;
  • Design and development of the online platform
  • Increase the capacity of eco-NGOs and media personnel;

In turn, the participants spoke about the achievements and challenges in their work, and expressed their readiness to cooperate in this project. Farhod Rakhmatov noted that the project will improve the potential through a series of trainings for media journalists and for press secretaries and specialists who work with public organizations in the field of environmental protection.

On June 17 at 10:00 am in the conference hall of the Aarhus Information Centre held a meeting with journalists in Osh. The meeting was attended by Karakozuev Mametzhuma and Bakyt Ibraimov – independent journalists, Tadjibaeva Ugulay – Ush sadosi, Ermekbaev Tolkun – TRC “Bashat”, Stanislav Polishchuk – Echo Osh, Omurzakov Nazgul – Osh janyrygy.


Kanibek Isabaev the director of Aarhus Center in Osh welcomed the participants of the meeting.He introduced journalists with representatives of Internews and stopped briefly on the center’s activities, as well as talked about new projects that being implemented since May 2016 in KR, and then gave the floor to the project director, Farhod Rahmatov. He presented the prepared presentation of the project. The participants were active, many questions were asked on all three components of the project.

At 14:30 on meeting with representatives of the Internews leaders of environmental NGOs of the city came, some of them work at the regional level in the South of Kyrgyzstan.

  • Kalanov Orunbek – PF “Ekotilekteshtik”;
  • Stamaliev Kutmanaliev – EOF “Tabiyat-South”;
  • Murat Aitmatov – PF MSDSPKG;
  • Amatova Aigerim – Eco Club “Ak-Buura”;
  • Kubanichbek kyzy Elnur – Eco Club “Ak-Buura”;
  • Mamatkulov Orozbay – PF “Eco Demilge”;
  • Jumabekov Turgunbek – PF “Kojo-Ata”;

In general, all of the meeting to inform the new project of Internews were successful, the participants received detailed information about the project and answer all questions.

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