Очередная встреча Орхусских Центров в Сербии

On October 15-16, 2024, the annual meeting of the Aarhus Centers of Southeast Europe, Transcaucasia and Central Asia was held in Belgrade (Serbia). It was attended by the heads of the Aarhus Centers in Osh, Bishkek and the Issyk-Kul region, the coordinator of the Aarhus Convention in Kyrgyzstan and representatives of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek.

The agenda of the meeting included 3 issues: Aarhus Centres and Sustainable Development Goal 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”, Strengthening the Participation of Youth in the Activities of Aarhus Centres, Experience of Aarhus Centres in Climate Change and Environmental Education, at the last of which the head of the Aarhus Centre in Bishkek, Adil Nurbekov, presented a report on “Experience of Aarhus Centres in Kyrgyzstan in Education on Climate Change”.

In addition, the meeting participants discussed strengthening the interactions of all Aarhus Centres in promoting the principles of the Aarhus Convention in their regions, planning future projects and their implementation, building trusting relationships with the media through a better understanding of the work and problems faced by journalists covering climate and environmental issues.

This meeting confirmed the commitment of the Aarhus Centres to fulfilling their mission, compliance with the rules for implementing activities under the Aarhus Convention and capacity building through the transfer of acquired experience through partner meetings.

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