Trainings in the Jalal-Abad region

On July 11-12, 2019, in the cities of Jalal-Abad and Tash-Kumyr, a training “Conduction of industrial and public environmental monitoring” was held for inspectors of the SIETS and the public.

This event was organized by the Aarhus Center in Osh in collaboration with the SIETS under the framework of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek project “Environmental Safety and Natural Resources Management”.

The training was attended by state inspectors on ecology, land, water resources, conservation of mineral resources, mining and industrial supervision of regional offices in the city of Jalal-Abad and Suzak district, in the town of Mailuu-Suu, Nooken and Bazar-Korgon regions (16 participants) , in Chatkal, Ala-Buka and Aksy districts, in Kara-Kul, Tash-Kumyr, pgt. Shamaldy-Sai and the Toktogul district (11 participants) and representatives of environmental NGOs from the Jalal-Abad region. In  the begginig, the director of the Aarhus Center K. Isabayev briefly informed the participants about the OSCE program office project in Bishkek, and presented the coaches. The training was led by OSCE international consultant A. Abduvaliev and OSCE national consultant T. Neronova.

During the process, trainers presented in detail the following topics: “Industrial Environmental Monitoring”, “Atmospheric Air Protection”, “Water Resources Protection”, “Waste Management and Land Protection” and “Public Environmental Monitoring”.

The trainer answered on the participants’ questions in details, noted what should be paid attention to when checking production and other objects. Also, they asked them to inform the consultants about what is needed to strengthen the capacity of regional offices, which instruments inspector greatly needs..

Participants were handed out methodological guide for inspectors of the SIETS environmental safety during inspections, the “Hunting Minimum” manual and the Memo for public environmental monitoring, issued with the financial support of the OSCE Program Office in Bishkek.

Participants received certificates of participation in the training.

Public Relations Specialist,

Turgunbek Zhumabekov

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